═══ 1. Copyright notice ═══ This software and documentation is copyrighted by Alexander Wilkens, iLogic Software This software is SHAREWARE and is provided as-is. The author will in no event be liable for loss of profits, nor incidental or consequential damages. You use this software at your own risk. This software may not be modified, disassembled or reverse engineered in any way, except by the author, Alexander Wilkens. DirMaster may be distributed in unmodified shareware form freely, provided no charge is made for it, with the exclusion of BBS service charges. Shareware vendors may NOT charge any fee for distributing this software. Users are entitled to use DirMaster free of charge for a trial period of thirty days. If the user wishes continue the use of DirMaster beyond this trial period, he/she must register. DirMaster may not be distributed in registered form by any means. This includes distribution of registration NAMES registration KEYS. Registration entitles the user rights to use DirMaster indefinitely. Registrations are non-transferable and non-redeemable. Check out the How to register chapter for information on how to register your copy of DirMaster. ═══ 2. How to contact the author ═══ You can contact me in several ways: Worldwide networks: Internet: alex@prosoft.fidonet.bbs.no Fidonet: 2:212/8.13@fidonet.org SBCnet: 14:1600/100.13 In Norway: PolarNet: Alexander Wilkens@VIM SkyNet: 47:400/101.13 Orion BBS # +47 57 85 10 59 (DirMaster support conference) VilleMo BBS # +47 77 74 74 93 Big Blue # +47 22 46 51 27 Mail: Alexander Wilkens / iLogic Software, Hansmarkveien 37, 9013 TromsЫ, Norway. ═══ 3. Obtaining the latest version ═══ The latest release version of DirMaster will always be availible at the following places: Internet ftp: ftp.cdrom.com in the /pub/os2/incoming directory Norwegian BBSs: Orion BBS ProSoft BBS VilleMo BBS BigBlue BBS Sound Server BBS ═══ 4. Current members of iLogic Software ═══ Alexander Wilkens: -OS/2 C programmer -Assembly programmer (half a year since last time..) Stian Andorsen: -DOS/Win Pascal programmer -Graphician Vegar Wang: - DOS Pascal programmer - DOS/AmigaDos Assembly programmer ═══ 5. Keyboard reference ═══ The following keyboard commands can be used: Space - toggles active dirwindow TAB - toggles active dirwindow Left arrow - scrolls active dirwindow left Right arrow - scrolls active dirwindow right Up arrow - scrolls active dirwindow up Down arrow - scrolls active dirwindow down PageUp - scrolls active dirwindow one page up PageDown - scrolls active dirwindow one page down Home - scrolls active dirwindow to the top End - scrolls active dirwindow to the bottom Enter - activates the path box below the active dirwindow. Another enter reads the directory specified in the path box Insert - Makedir * Delete - Delete * / - Select All * * - Deselect All * + - Select All * - - Deselect All * Entries marked with an asterisk (*) can be turned on/off in the configuration. 16 other shortcut keys can also be configured in the configuration. ═══ 6. Main window ═══ Select one of the following chapters: Menus Statusline Label and freespace boxes Directory windows Directory path boxes Arrow buttons Button panel ═══ 6.1. Menus ═══ Menus: DirMaster: o Configure - Loads configuration notebook o Save Window config - Saves current window position and size o Exit - Quits DirMaster. Exactly the same as the Quit button. Cmd lines: o OS/2 Win - Starts an OS/2 windowed command prompt o OS/2 Full - Starts an OS/2 fullscreen command prompt o DOS Win - Starts an DOS windowed command prompt o DOS Full - Starts an DOS fullscreen command prompt Help: o View INF doc - Views this doc using VIEW.EXE o View Revision file - Views DMaster.Rev using E.EXE o View Register.Doc - Views Register.Doc using E.EXE o Register - Brings up the registration dialog o About - Brings up the about dialog ═══ 6.2. Status line ═══ Statusline: The statusline is the 3D box directly below the menu. It has two purposes: 1. Displaying the number of selected files, dirs and their bytesize, and displaying the total number of files and dirs in the directory and their total filesize. The format is like this: # of selected dirs / total # of dirs # of selected files / total # of files selected bytes / total bytes 2. Displaying information that need no confirmation, like "Operation complete!". ═══ 6.3. Label and freespace boxes ═══ Label and freespace boxes: Purposes: - Display disk label of the current drive - Display free diskspace on the current drive. - Show which directory window is selected. The box above the selected window is colored dark pink. Switching between directory windows: This can be acomplished in several ways. The easiest way is by clicking the right mouse button in the window you want selected. This also causes free diskspace and disklabel to be updated for this window. Another way is to use the left mouse button. This does NOT cause free diskspace or disklabel to be updated. Note: The previous method causes the file beneath the pointer to be selected. A third way is to use the keyboard. Both TAB and SPACE switches to the other dirwindow. Displaying the availible drives list: By pressing both mouse button 1 and 2 simultaneously (chord) the active dirwindow will display a list of all drives availible. Choosing a drive from this list causes the root directory of that drive to be loaded in the same dirwindow (replacing the drive list). ═══ 6.4. Directory windows ═══ Directory windows: The directory (dir from now on) windows are two listboxes (my own, not the system's) containing files in the current dirs (you have two current dirs. A source and a target.). The selected dir automatically becomes the source and the other the target. Multiple files can be selected in the dir windows by either clicking on the files one by one, by draging the mouse up/down while holding mouse button #1 down or by pressing the ALL button or NONE button. Left mouse button double clicking: The dir windows support double clicking. DirMaster will take an action when any of the following are double clicked: - Directories. Double clicking on one will cause DirMaster to enter it and display it (replacing the current dir) in the dir window. This includes the parent directory (..) if it is enabled in the dirwindows configuration. - Files with the extension EXE or COM. DirMaster will try to figure out wheather it is a DOS, Windows, OS/2 textmode or PM program. You can then specify cmd line parameters in execute dialog that pops up. - Files with the extention CMD. DirMaster will load the default cmdline interpreter (CMD.EXE, 4os2.exe or whatever) and run the batch file. - Files with the extention BAT or BTM. The DOS cmdline interpreter will be loaded and the batch file run. - Files with extensions configured in the User button configuration. The corresponding user function will be executed. Right mouse button double clicking: Double clicking with the right mouse button in a dir window does a "parent" in that directory. This is equal to pressing the Parent button or doubleclicking on the parent directory (".."). Locating files quickly: To find a specific filename in the dirwindow, just type the character corresponding to the first character in the filename and DirMaster will scroll the dirwindow to the first file it located. If no file starting with that character, Dirmaster will increase the character by one until it finds a match. Note: This functions may not always work correctly in other sorting modes than ascending/filename. ═══ 6.5. Directory path boxes ═══ Directory path boxes: Path boxes (se picture below) are situated below the two dir windows. Their functions are to contain the path for the drive window above it. The boxes are automatically updated whenever a new directory is loaded. The path boxes can also be used to change directories. Just click inside it, enter the desired directory (including drive) and press enter. If you made a mistake in the directory name DirMaster will let you know by writing in the label box above the dir window. The directory path you had typed will still be in the path box so you won't have to type it all over again. ═══ 6.6. Arrow buttons ═══ Arrow buttons: These three buttons does the following: The < button reads the directory contained in the right dirwindow into the left dirwindow. The directory in the right window remains the same. The > button does the opposite of the < button. It reads the directory contained in the left dirwindow into the right window. These two buttons can be useful if for instance you wish to copy a file in the current directory into a sub dir in the current directory. To do that you would just have to "copy" the dir with one of the two buttons mentioned above, then enter the sub dir and the file is ready to be copied. The <> swaps the two directories in the dirwindows. The left dir is moved to the right dirwindow and the right dir is moved to the left dirwindow. This has no practical use unless you prefer to have the target dir in, say, the right dirwindow. ═══ 6.7. Button Panel ═══ The button panel is the 28 buttons at the bottom of the DirMaster window. They are divided into two types of buttons: Drive buttons Function buttons ═══ 6.7.1. Drive Buttons ═══ Drive buttons: The four drive buttons are posisioned to the right on the button panel. Their function is to allow the user to quickly change between 12 (Yes, twelve) dirs and/or drives configured in Configure - Drive Buttons. These buttons appear like normal buttons, but are in fact not quite normal. Remember I said 12 and not 4 dirs and/or drives. This means there are 12 buttons too, but only 4 of them are visible at one time (Not quite room for 12 buttons, eh?). So, for those of you who know your math. 4 * 3 = 12. There are therefor 3 pages of buttons. Switching between these pages is easy. Press the right mouse button on any of the four drive buttons and the next page is shown. Pressing right mouse button on the last of the three pages takes you back to page one. ═══ 6.7.2. Function Buttons ═══ Function buttons: The function buttons consists of two types of buttons. Internal functions are those supplied by DirMaster (Copy, Move, Rename etc.) and user functions specified and configured by the user in the User configuration. Just like the Drive buttons, these buttons behave a little different from ordinary buttons. They can each contain two functions. Double click here to get explanation. This gives you a total of 48 function buttons at you disposal. The following internal function are availible: All Archive Archive (Background) Archive list Attribute Check fit Copy Copy as Clone Delete Dir size Makedir Move Move as None Parent Quit Relabel Rename Reread Root Unarchive Unarchive (background) Wildcard deselect Wildcard rename Wildcard select ═══ Copy ═══ Function: Copy file(s) and/or dir(s). Query on overwrite. Requires: Selected file(s) and/or dir(s) in source dir, target dir. Notes: Errors are displayed by DirMaster's own error dialog. Can be aborted by pressing the cancel button in the progress dialog. ═══ Copy as ═══ Function: Copy file(s) and/or dir(s) to target dir with a new name. A dialog will pop up for each file/dir asking for the new name. Skip and cancel buttons are availible. DirMaster will query on overwrite. Requires: Selected file(s) and/or dir(s) in source dir, target dir. Notes: Errors are displayed in DirMaster's own error dialog. Can be aborted by pressing the cancel button in the progress dialog. ═══ Move ═══ Function: Move file(s) and/or dir(s). Query on overwrite. Requires: Selected file(s) and/or dir(s) in source dir, target dir. Notes: Errors are displayed in DirMaster's own error dialog. Can be aborted by pressing the cancel button in the progress dialog. ═══ Move as ═══ Function: Move file(s) and/or dir(s) to target dir with a new name. A dialog will pop up for each file/dir asking for the new name. Skip and cancel buttons are availible. DirMaster will query on overwrite. Requires: Selected file(s) and/or dir(s) in source dir, target dir. Notes: Errors are displayed in DirMaster's own error dialog. Can be aborted by pressing the cancel button in the progress dialog. ═══ Delete ═══ Function: Delete file(s) and/or dir(s). Query on read-only. Requires: Selected file(s) and/or dir(s) in source dir. Notes: Errors are displayed in DirMaster's own error dialog. Can be aborted by pressing the cancel button in the progress dialog. ═══ Clone ═══ Function: Clone selected file(s) and/or dir(s). Operates like Copy as, except that the source dir is also the target dir. Requires: Selected file(s) in source dir. Notes: Errors are displayed in DirMaster's own error dialog. Can be aborted by pressing the cancel operation button. ═══ Archive ═══ Function: Archive files. Pops up a dialog asking for a name for the archive and what archiver to use (ZIP, ARJ, LHA, ZOO or ARC). The archive is put in the target dir. Requires: Selected file(s) and/or dir(s) in source dir, target dir. Notes: Errors are displayed in the statusline. The archiver is executed in the foreground while DirMaster waits. ═══ Archive (background) ═══ Function: Archive files in the background. Pops up a dialog asking for a name for the archive and what archiver to use (ZIP, ARJ, LHA, ZOO or ARC). The archive is put in the target dir. Requires: Selected file(s) and/or dir(s) in source dir, target dir. Notes: Errors are displayed in the statusline. The archiver is executed in the background. ═══ Unarchive ═══ Function: Unarchive files. Determines the archive type by looking at the first bytes in the archive and then executes the correct unarchiver. Requires: Selected file(s) in source dir, target dir. Notes: Errors are displayed in the statusline. DirMaster waits till the archiver is done. ═══ Unarchive (background) ═══ Function: Unarchive files. Determines the archive type by looking at the first bytes in the archive and then executes the correct unarchiver. Requires: Selected file(s) in source dir, target dir. Notes: Errors are displayed in the statusline. The unarchiver is executed in the background. ═══ Achive List ═══ Function: View contents of archives. Determines the archive type by looking at the first bytes in the archiven, executes the correct archiver with the list switch and views the list of files with the configured lister. Requires: Selected file(s) in source dir. Notes: Errors are displayed in the statusline. DirMaster waits while the archive lister is executed. ═══ Parent ═══ Function: Changes to the parent directory in the selected dir window. If the current dir is root no action is taken. Requires: Source dir. Notes: Errors are displayed in the statusline. ═══ Select All ═══ Function: Selects all files and dirs in the selected dir window. Requires: Source dir. Notes: No errors. ═══ Select None ═══ Function: Deselects all files and dirs in the selected dir window. Requires: Source dir. Notes: No errors. ═══ Root ═══ Function: Changes to the root directory in the selected dir window. If the current dir is root no action is taken. Requires: Source dir. Notes: Errors are displayed in the statusline. ═══ Reread ═══ Function: Rereads the directory in the selected dir window. Useful when an external program has changed the contents of the directory. Requires: Source dir. Notes: Errors are displayed in the statusline. ═══ Makedir ═══ Function: Create a directory in the selected dir window. Requires: Source dir. Notes: Errors are displayed in the statusline. ═══ Attribute ═══ Function: Pops up the attribute dialog to allow the user to change the file attributes for the selected files. Requires: Selected file(s) in the source dir. Notes: Errors are displayed in the statusline. ═══ Rename ═══ Function: Rename the selected files and dirs in the selected dir window. Pops up a dialog where the user can specify a new name. Requires: Selected file(s) and/or dir(s) in the source dir. Notes: Errors are displayed in DirMaster's own error dialog. ═══ Relabel ═══ Function: Changes the label on the disk in the selected dir window. Disk labels may only be 11 characters long. Requires: Source dir. Notes: Errors are displayed in DirMaster's own error dialog. ═══ Quit ═══ Function: Quits DirMaster. Requires: Nothing. Notes: No errors. ═══ Wildcard select ═══ Function: Selects file(s) in the dir window by wildcard selection. Enter a wildcard pattern in the dialog (ex: "*.zip"). Requires: Sourcedir. Notes: No errors. ═══ Wildcard deselect ═══ Function: Deselects file(s) in the dir window by wildcard selection. Enter a wildcard pattern in the dialog (ex: "*.zip"). Requires: Sourcedir. Notes: No errors. ═══ Wildcard rename ═══ Function: Rename the file(s) that match a specified wildcard pattern to a new wildcard pattern. (ex: "*.zip" => "*.arj") Requires: Source dir. Notes: No errors. ═══ Dir size ═══ Function: This function calculates the size of one or more directories and writes the size in the dirwindow (at the size position). The size of a directory is caculated by adding the size of all the files in the subdirectories of that directory. Requires: Selected dir(s) in the sourcedir. Notes: No errors. ═══ Check fit ═══ Function: This functions checks to see if the selected files/directories will fit on the target drive or not. If directories are selected then their size will be calculated using the same method as the Dir size function. Requires: Selected dir(s) and/or file(s) in the sourcedir and a targetdir. Notes: The statusline is used to display the answer. ═══ Two buttons on each button ═══ Just like the drive buttons, these buttons respond to the right mouse button. In a little different way, though. Each button can have one or two functions. The primary function (the one you can se written on the button) is always activated by pressing the left mouse button on it. The second function (where availible) is activated by pressing the right mouse button on it. To see its label, hold the right mouse button down. If you decide that you dont want to 'press' it then, move the mouse pointer away from the button and release it. If you want to 'press' it then release the mouse button with the pointer above the button you pressed. ═══ 7. Configuration ═══ Configuration: The configuration of DirMaster is done in a notebok in the configuration dialog. The four buttons in the dialog have the following functions: Save - Saves the new configuration to "c:\os2\DMASTER.INI". This file is automatically loaded at startup. Use - Uses the new configuration, but does not save it do disk. Load - Loads configuration from the "c:\os2\DMASTER.INI" file on disk. Cancel - Cancels any changes you have made to the configuration, and uses the same configuration as before. The following configuration notebook pages are availible: General Drive buttons Archivers User functions Button functions Fonts and colors Statusline Directory windows Shortcuts ═══ 7.1. General config ═══ Delete warning: The configuration of delete warning gives you the control over the warnings DirMaster may, or may not display when you press delete. o Single file - Warn the user when a single or multiple file delete is about to occur. o Single Directory - Warn the user when a single or multiple dir delete is about to occur. o Multiples files & directories - Warn the user when multiple file and/or dir delete is about to occur. Note: The Multiple files & directories warning will always be displayed when one (or two) of the two first checkboxes are checked. Temp directory: This box allows you to specify a directory where DirMaster can store its temporary files. They will be deleted automatically when DirMaster quits. The default here is "c:\". Freespace display options: This lets you configure how DirMaster will display the amount of free disk space on the current disk(s). The "Use denomination" specifies whether to write kb/b/MB or not after the free space. The radio buttons lets you choose whether to display in bytes, kilobytes or megabytes. Enable 3D border boxes: Checking this checkbox enables the 3D borders around different controls. This might not display correctly on all hi res gfx cards, so if the boxes are too small or too big, then simply disable this checkbox. Autoread: Specifies which two (if any) directories to automatically read at startup. Check the appropriate checkbox to the right of the appropriate edit box to enable it. ═══ 7.2. Drive buttons ═══ Drive buttons: This is where you set up the three drive pages. Click on the button you wish to change, enter a label (the text that appears on the button) and the drive or path to the directory you want to load. The buttons are aligned like this: The leftmost 4 are page 1, the middle 4 page 2 and the rightmost 4 page 3. ═══ 7.3. Archivers ═══ Archivers: This configuration dialog lets you configure the five archivers (ZIP, ARJ, LHA, ZOO and ARC). DirMaster does not have the archivers built in, rather it uses external commandline programs. A default setup will be created the first time you run DirMaster, so all you have to do then is to make sure the paths are correct. You choose the archiver to configure from the listbox. Name: Lets you specify the name of the archiver. Not much used by DirMaster yet. Ident: Specifies the archive identification code that can usually be found in the first characters in the archive. This is in hex format. The spinbutton next to it specifies the offset at which the identification code can be found. You are advised NOT to change this unless you know what you are doing! Archive Cmd: The path and filename of the archiver. The BROWSE button brings up the system's filerequester. Archive Switches: Specify switches for the archiver. Extract Cmd: The path and filename of the unarchiver. The BROWSE button brings up the system's filerequester. Archive Switches: Specify switches for the unarchiver. List Cmd: The path and filename of the archiver lister/viewer. The BROWSE button brings up the system's filerequester. List Switches: Specify switches for the archive lister/viewer. ═══ 7.4. User functions ═══ User functions: The user function feature allows the user to define up to 9999 user functions in addition to DirMaster's own internal functions. These user buttons can be placed together with the internal buttons on DirMaster's button panel to do whatever taks the user wants with the use of external programs. You have a range of different options. Select a function from the list, or add a new on by pressing "Add". "Delete" removes a function and "Rename" renames a function. Label: The text to appear on the button. Command line: This is where you enter the command line to the button. You can use any of the tokens described below anywhere in the commandline, but the commandline MUST start with an executable file or a cmd.exe/4os2.exe internal command. The browse button brings up the system's filerequester. Tokens: %f = selected file(s). If the All files on same cmd line is checked all selected files are inserted here (as long as there is room on the cmd line). If not then only one selected file is inserted and the others will be processed one by one. %F = same as above except that it includes full path. %s = Inserts the source directory including trailing "\". %t = Inserts the target directory including trailing "\". %q"" = Displays a question dialog asking the question you put between the quotes. The dialog contains an edit box where the user can type in argument. %r"" = Displays the system's filerequester. Put the path and wildcards in the quotes. Extensions: Specify double clicking extensions here. The format is like this. Write ONLY the extensions (no '.') and seperate each extension with a comma. (Ex. "me,doc,txt" (don't include the quotes!)) Checkboxes: Requires selection - specifies that file(s) must be selected for the button to execute. If not checked then DirMaster ignores any selected files and the function will only be executed once no matter how many files were selected. CD to target - command line is executed from the target directory. All files on same cmd line - command line is executed only once with all selected files on the same command line (%f or %F token). Start CMD.EXE - The system's commandline processor is executed with "/C" + command line as the argument. Use this when running commands like "print" and so on. Run async on multi - The program is run asyncronously if multiple files were selected in the dir window. This causes DirMaster to execute the function with one selected file at a time waiting until the previous one terminated before executing the next. Useful when viewing pictures or when you want to reread a dir after program completion. Run async on single - The program is run asyncronously if only one file was selected. Fullscreen - command line is executed in a fullscreen session. To front - command line is executed in the foreground. Requires source dir - function will not execute if no source dir is present. Requires target dir - function will not execute if no target dir is present. Reread source directory - Rereads source dir after command line is executed. Should be used in conjunction with "Run async..". Reread target directory - Rereads target dir after command line is executed. Should be used in conjunction with "Run async..". ═══ 7.5. Button configuration ═══ Button configuration: This configuration page lets you position functions on the 24 (48 really) buttons. The top 24 buttons are for the left mouse button and the bottom 24 buttons are for the right mouse button. To assign a function to a button, do the following. Select a button by pressing it. It wil now remain depressed until another button is pressed. Next, select either an "internal function", a "user function" or "no function". Then, if you didn't select "no function", select a function from the appropriate dropdown box (below the radio button you selected). The text will then appear on the button and it is configured! ═══ 7.6. Font and color configuration ═══ Font and color configuration: Some of the fonts DirMaster uses can be configured by the user. The listbox presents a list containing these. To configure one, select one from the box, select a foreground and background color of your choice by spinning the spin controls. The font can be changed by pressing the "Font" button. ═══ 7.7. Statusline config ═══ Enable "selection" display: When enabled DirMaster will display selection information (how many files, dirs bytes etc.) in the statusline. Note: Informational messages will always be displayed in the statusline. Number display: o Fill with leading zeros: Leading zeros will be prefixed at all number displays to ensure a constant number width. This option is disbled if a thousand separator is used. o Fill with leading spaces: Same as above except it will use spaces instead of zeros. o Don't fill: No numbers will be prefixed with anything. Thousand separator: o Use country default: The default configured in the OS/2 system setup will be used as thousand separator. o Use..: Allows you to use whatever character you choose. o Use space: Thousands are separated by a space. o No separator: Disables usage of thousand separator character. Enables the fill with leading zeros choice above. General appearance: o Add one space between slashes and numbers: Every slash ("/") and number is separated by a space. o Center statusline text: If checked the text will be centered, if not it will be left justified. ═══ 7.8. Directory window config ═══ Dirwindow config: o Use ".." dir entry: When enabled DirMaster will include the parent directory entry at the top of the listbox. This entry is never sorted. o Show hidden files: Enables display of hidden files (files with the H attribute set). o Show EA data files: When enabled DirMaster will include the "WP ROOT. SF" and "EA DATA. SF" entrys in the dirwindows if they exists in the directory. This should be left off unless you really wish to mess with these files. enSort direction: o Ascending: Files will be sorted in ascending order, the smallest/first file first etc.. o Descending: Files will be sorted in descending order, the biggest/last file first etc.. o Unsorted: Files will not be sorted, but displayed in the same order that the filesystem has arranged them. Sort by: o Filename: Files are sorted by filename. Directories are grouped together. o Extension: Files are sorted by extention. The extention of a file name is determined by locating the last period character. Only the first 20 characters after the period is used by DirMaster as extension. Directories are grouped together. o Size: Files are sorted by size. Directories are grouped together. o Time/date: Files are sorted primarily by date and secondarily by time. Directories are not neccessarily grouped together. Right justify: o Filesize: The filesize column is aligned with the right dirwindow border if possible. o Attributes: The attributes column is aligned with the right dirwindow border if possible. o Date: The date column is aligned with the right dirwindow border if possible. o Time: The time column is aligned with the right dirwindow border if possible. o None: Only the filename column is displayed, the user must scroll to see any of the other columns. Note: DirMaster may temporarily modify this setting on-the-fly if neccessary. Thousand separator: o Use country default: The default configured in the OS/2 system setup will be used as thousand separator. o Use..: Allows you to use whatever character you choose. o Use space: Thousands are separated by a space. o No separator: Disables usage of thousand separator character. Enables the fill with leading zeros choice above. ═══ 7.9. Shortcut config ═══ Shortcut configuration: The first six check boxes determine whether the corresponding shortcuts will be enabled or not. The 16 shortcuts below must be specified by the user. They can be turned on and off by clicking on the checkboxes. If two shortcuts are the same the first match will be used. ═══ 8. Dialog windows ═══ Select one of the following chapters: Makedir Rename Relabel Copy as / move as Attribute Execute ═══ 8.1. Makedir ═══ Function: Create a new directory. Lets the user enter a directory name into the edit box. Displays an error message if illegal characters are entered in the directory name edit box. Buttons: OK - creates the directory. Cancel - aborts the operation. ═══ 8.2. Rename ═══ Function: Rename a file. The current filename is displayed in the depressed box. Enter a new name in the edit box. Buttons: OK - renames the file. Skip - Skips this file and proceeds to the next one, if any. Cancel operation - aborts the operation. ═══ 8.3. Relabel ═══ Function: Relabel a disk. The current disk label is displayed in the depressed box. Enter a new label in the edit box. Buttons: OK - relabels the disk. Skip - aborts the operation. ═══ 8.4. Copy as / move as ═══ Function: Copies or moves a file to a file with a new name. Current filename in the depressed box. New filename in the edit box. Buttons: OK - renames the file. Skip - Skips this file and proceeds to the next one, if any. Cancel operation - aborts the operation. ═══ 8.5. Attribute ═══ Function: Change the attributes of a file. The file in question is put in the depressed box. Check and uncheck the desired attributes. Buttons: OK - changes the files attributes. Cancel - aborts the operation. ═══ 8.6. Execute ═══ Function: Provides the user a range of options when executing a program. Topmost editbox: contains the name of the file to be executed. "Args" editbox: enter commandline arguments here. Use browse to bring up the system's default filerequester. The filename will be inserted in the argument line. The radio buttons specify programtype. DirMaster will try to guess the the programtype on beforehand, but may not always succeed. Especially at Windows apps. Enhanced mode: Toggles enhanced mode on/off for Windows applications. Child application: Specifies that the program is to be executed as a child app. To front: Runs program in the foreground. Buttons: Execute - Starts the program. Cancel - aborts the operation. Browse - loads the system's default filerequester. The filename and path you select is inserted at the cursor position in the args editbox. ═══ 9. Registration ═══ Select one of the following chapters: Why register? How to register ═══ 9.1. Why register? ═══ Why bother to register? Well. I've tried to put down many good reasons to do just that below. Read on, read on! -First of all, registering removes the irritating "beg" dialog that pops up when you start DirMaster. -DirMaster will no longer display "Unregistered" in the title bar. Instead an 'r' will be appended to the version number indicating it is a registered version. -The about dialog will display your name as well as your serial number. -It doesn't cost much! Only $20 (140NOK). No hidden costs such as postage or anything. Just hand me the money and a registration key will be mailed to you by either email (Fido, SBC or any of the mentioned BBSs in How to contact the author part of the documentation) or snailmail. -The author has put down ALOT of work on DirMaster. The author has used much of his sparetime (I still attend school) programming. He deserves SOMETHING, doesn't he? -The more people who register, the more encouraged I will be to continue improving and developing DirMaster. -DirMaster can not be considered "crippleware" in ANY ways, since all the functions are availible for you to evaluate. Even though I have don this, it doesn't mean that I am giving away DirMaster for free. If very few of the people using DirMaster registers it, then I may be foreced to add more beg dialogs, delays and other cruel things. I don't want to do that, and I don't think you, as a user, would like that much either. I suppose that speaks for itself.. Thank you for considering to register! ═══ 9.2. How to register ═══ How to register To see how you can register DirMaster ($20/140NOK) take a look in Register.Doc included in the DirMaster archive. This can be done from the help menu in DirMaster.